Photo from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The number of new cases of COVID-19 continues to escalate in Marion and Warren Counties. The New York Times Coronavirus Tracker Database reported on Thursday that Marion County saw 43 new cases which is an increase of 35% over the previous day. The number of new cases in Warren County are the highest they have ever been. Warren County reported 95 new cases which is an increase of 32% over the previous day. In the last 14 days, Marion County has seen the number of cases rise by 81% and Warren County has seen the number of cases grow by 102%. Since January 2020, at least 1 in 5 people residing in Marion and Warren Counties have been infected by COVID-19. The Database reports that 52% of Marion County residents and 58% of Warren County residents have received the vaccine. Marion County regularly holds COVID-19 vaccine clinics and vaccinations are available at Warren County Health Services and local pharmacies.