
The Warren County Sheriff’s Office is beginning a program for reserve deputies, taking some of the strain off the staff and help have a presence at special events such as the county fair, the balloons, and others. Warren County Sheriff Joe Carico tells KNIA News the program will start small, and look to grow as time goes on.

“We are starting with a small force of just four, and hopefully like to see that expand as we can establish and get more reserve deputies. We had a big interest in it, off the top of my head we had 16-18 resumes come in, all great and it was hard to choose just four. Had I known the level of interest I may have asked for more than just four. But four is a good start because we can show the need for it, and with having the interest we can have folks that are dedicated to the program and help us get it going.”

Sheriff Carico also said the reserve program can be a pathway to become a full-time deputy if there is anyone interested in that.