
Photo from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Cases of COVID-19 are rising quickly in Warren County, with 389 total positive tests over the last seven days and a 22% test positivity rate. Warren County has had 13,040 positive tests since the beginning of the pandemic. Marion County has had 228 positive tests over the last seven days, with a 23% positive test rate.

COVID-19 cases are also spiking within the Indianola Community School District. The COVID-19 dashboard shows 9 student or staff cases from Wilder Elementary, 13 at Emerson, 13 at Irving, and 7 at Whittier, with 9 at Indianola Middle School and 19 at the High School.

The New York Times Coronavirus Database shows 59% of Warren County residents are fully vaccinated, while those over the age of 65 and up are 95% fully vaccinated. Warren County has had 124 deaths from COVID-19, three more since Saturday.

The database shows 52% of Marion County residents are fully vaccinated, while those over the age of 65 are 90% fully vaccinated. Marion County has had 111 deaths from the virus.

Currently, those not fully vaccinated account for 69.1% of COVID-19 patients in the ICU, and 60.4% of patients hospitalized by COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccinations are available at Warren County Health Services and Marion County Public Health. For more information, click below.

Warren County

Marion County