
The Marion County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday. They accepted the resignation of County Recorder Karen Schwanebeck and thanked her for her years of service and wished her well in retirement before giving her a round of applause.

They considered rezoning a parcel of land at 1596 Highway T-15 just east of Knoxville from Agricultural to General Industrial. The proposed use of the parcel is for a salvage yard. Vehicles now closer to the road at 1558 Highway T-15 will be moved to the new location if the new zoning is approved. Concerns expressed by neighbors were the possible increase in the rat population and noise, among other considerations. The supervisors took no action but expressed thoughts that they wouldn’t limit the number of salvaged vehicles but were in favor that no vehicles should be visible from the top of the fence that will surround the operation. There will be a second reading on February 22.

The supervisors approved the sale of 113-177 third street in Knoxville, a vacant lot to the east of the courthouse. It was sold to Tim Wahl for $52,000.

They approved the construction of an anhydrous ammonia storage tank at 2434 G71, Rozenboom Farms, just outside of Bussey.

The approved the resurfacing of a portion of G76 in the town of Attica, and a license renewal for Grape Escape Winery in Pleasantville.

They held a spirited discussion of departmental budget recommendations with elected officials and other staff. Concerns were expressed about the budget process, and fairness in recommendations for salary increases. The supervisors noted that we are all living in difficult times, and that the employment scene has changed, and that it is difficult for everyone in the private and public section to find and retain quality staff. The supervisors asked department heads to reconsider their budgets to make sure they would allow them to get their jobs done while retaining quality staff, all in the best interests of the taxpayers.

They heard an update on the VA demolition project, which is proceeding rapidly, and under budget, among other matters.