The Red Rock StartUP! is teaming up with economic development organizations in Marion County for a new business pitch contest. The contest allows entrepreneurs and small business owners a chance to start a new business or expand their current business. The contest will have two divisions, Youth and Adult. Marion County Development Executive Director Carla Eysink tells KNIA/KRLS News that there are two ways to enter the contest.
“You can either go online to our website at marioncountyiowa.gov and fill out an entry form that has some questions that you answer, or you can create a video and send it to us. So, there is two different ways to enter, depending on what you want to do. That is for round one. And then from round one, we will have a series of judges that will judge the entrance and we will select finalists for the real live pitchoff.”
Finalists will also get an hour of coaching to help them with their pitch. Submissions are open now through Friday, February 25th at 3pm. For more information or to enter the contest visit marioncountyiowa.com or email ceysink@marioncountyiowa.gov.