Democrat Lisa Fleishman of Carlisle has announced her campaign for Iowa Senate in District 11. Fleishman will run against Republican State Senator Julian Garrett, who has served in the role for District 13 since 2013. In November, Iowa redrew district maps; the old District 13 included Warren County and the new District 11 includes Warren County in addition to parts of central Marion County including the city of Knoxville. Fleishman tells KNIA/KRLS News that she is running to make a positive impact.
“I am running because I am deeply concerned with what I am seeing going on in Des Moines. Certainly, we’re seeing some things this last week that are very concerning in regards to our public schools and Iowa’s teachers. I am a regular, everyday person, who is really just taking a look at what our representation is doing and how that negatively affects our communities, negatively affects our small businesses, our family farms, our schools, and I guess at some point you just have to say enough is enough.”
The new districts go into effect for the elections in 2022 for the 118th U.S. Congress and the 90th Iowa General Assembly.