The Central College men’s golf team is staging its fourth annual Dutch Carpetbaggers Miniature Golf Tournament Friday evening, Feb. 25 in the Maytag Student Center.
Play begins at 7 p.m. and players may register via email to wendell1@central.edu. On-site registration begins at 6:30 p.m. The squad will donate 50% of this year’s proceeds to the Pella Food Shelf. The event helped the team make $1,000 donations to the Pella Fire Department in 2019, 725 Ministries in Pella in 2020 and The Well last year.
The tournament format is a two-person scramble and entry fee is $5 per person, and the Central Men’s Golf program is also seeking additional $100 hole sponsorships. Gifts and other cash donations are welcomed as well. Contact coach Mel Blasi (blasim@central.edu) for details.