State Representative Brooke Boden introduced a bill in subcommittee regarding the option of installing cameras inside nursing home rooms for loved ones. Representative Boden tells KNIA News it is modeled after a bill that was passed in Ohio, and during the COVID-19 pandemic it was important for family members to be able to connect and help take care of family members when they couldn’t see them in person.
“I think it protects the nursing home, I think it protects the workers of the nursing home, and I think it protects the resident of the nursing home. You and I can have a camera in our space that we rent or buy, and I think we should do the same thing for those that rent or buy space in a nursing home. I hope sometime in the future it can continue to be looked at. It did not make it out of subcommittee this year, but it is something that is near and dear to my heart and I’d love for people to read the bill.”
For more information, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.