One thing that Knoxville Wrestling is trying to change is the overall mindset of the program. Coach Skyler Spaur tells KNIA/KRLS Sports he does not want his guys to think they have to wait until they are a junior or senior to make the state meet, but have that expectation when they enter the program as freshmen.
Spaur: “Hopefully we start turning our team’s mindset not to wait until you’re a junior and senior, but to have that expectation as a freshman. Luke and Marco had the mindset from the outset, it didn’t work out for them early in their careers, and Wayne put together some great matches, but that’s one thing we have to change if we’re going to be successful.”
Spaur says there will be bigger expectations down the road including getting to the State Duals and having the confidence to know they can go up against anyone in the state.