
The Knoxville School Board held a special session Monday. The board looked at recommended wage increases from the Personnel Committee and approved a package that would increase wages for several departments, the total cost of the package is $615,678.19. The board also approved a Memorandum of understanding between the Knoxville School district and the Knoxville Education Association creating a one-year pilot program of basing contractual work time based on hours not days. The agreement is for the 2022-23 school year and expires June 30, 2023. The board also approved extending the master contract to 2024. The board approved a proposal to simplify and classify paid activities in the master contract. The proposal has positions in categories that include non-coaching license positions, coaching positions, and Musical positions.


For more on these topics tune in to Thursday’s Let’s Talk Knoxville as we speak with Knoxville School District Superintendent Cassi Pearson.