The Marion County Board of Supervisors met yesterday. The board discussed a Revitalize Iowa’s Sound Economy or RISE grant application for traffic safety improvements on Highway 163 for LDJ Manufacturing. Marion County Engineer Tyler Christian tells KNIA/KRLS News about the project.
“The project is for safety improvements on Highway 163 for the entrance of LDJ Manufacturing. This will include paving of the center median crossover and the addition of left-turn lanes for eastbound traffic and right turn lanes for westbound traffic turning into LDJ Manufacturing.”
The board approved a motion of support for the project and instructed Christian to formalize the application. Once done the board would then look to approve a resolution to submit the application.
The Board approved a resolution on the disbursement of funds for the American Rescue Plan Act. Christian explains the project that the funds will be used for.
“The ARPA funds are for fuel storage at the Law Enforcement Center and a fuel management system software that will manage the distribution of fuel to various county departments.”
The Supervisors next session will be on March 22