
The Pella City Council held a pair of public hearings Tuesday evening to award contracts for two key road reconstruction projects.

Contracts to reconstruct Bos Landen Drive near Highway T-15 and 250th Avenue north of Vermeer Road were approved. Both projects will be completed by Blommers Construction; Bos Landen will cost $534,667.50 and start in mid-April for completion in mid-to-late July, while 250th Avenue has a price tag of $384,880.50 and will start in mid-April for an early July completion.

The 2023 fiscal year budget was also reviewed during a public hearing. The spending plan of $46.7 million includes several key projects in the coming year, and was submitted to the Iowa Department of Revenue for review.

The council also approved an agreement with Visit Pella for Hotel-Motel tax distribution, which has the Pella Convention and Visitors Bureau receiving 60 percent of the City’s motel-hotel tax revenue, as was a 28E Agreement with the Indianola Municipal Utilities (IMU) Board of Trustees for a joint fiber transport line.