Marco Battaglia of Des Moines will be running for Lieutenant Governor as a Libertarian. Battaglia spoke with KNIA/KRLS News about a topic of interest to him.
“An area of importance right now is basic property rights. There was legislation that in my mind would hope it’s redundant that eminent domain should not be used for the private gain of private companies. We supported that legislation and we hold that belief. I think that the Fifth Amendment is clear in that regard and that it has been abusively used on Iowans time and time again.”
Battaglia shared his thoughts on restrictions to the use of eminent domain.
“When it comes to property I think the restrictions should be a lot tougher in using eminent domain. We need to have a conversation on what is public good, what is public versus private cause those lines have been blurred and I feel in recent times it has been the GOP blurring those lines more than the Democratic side.”
Battaglia will be running with the Libertarian Party Governor Candidate Rick Stewart of Cedar Rapids.