
A candidate for the U.S. House stopped in Pella this week. Current District 85 State Representative Christina Bohannan stopped at the Career Academy of Pella to view a virtual reality training program for certified nursing students.

“They’re actually training in virtual reality, with the goggles and the hand devices, and their going around and learning how to take care of patients,” she says. “So they’re actually doing that kind of training and practicing taking care of patients in a low-risk environment, and so it was fascinating, and I got to try out the equipment myself.”

She says this model can be applied to other work environments such as painting and welding, and gives students a chance to see what work looks like and opportunities may exist. She says that level of opportunity needs to be afforded to all Iowa students, and is one of the reasons why she’s campaigning for the federal office.

Bohannon is running in the Democratic primary unopposed, and will face incumbent Mariannette Miller-Meeks in the November general election in U.S. House District 1.