
The Knoxville Public Library will have several programs this week. Tonight at 6:30 pm there will be chess for teens and adults in the Weiler room for anyone to come in and play. There will be two more programs offered this week and Knoxville Public Library Director Roslin Thompson spoke with KNIA/KRLS News about these programs.

“We will be offering a special program on Wednesday, April, 20 at 1:30 pm. We have an author coming, her name is Cheryl Mullenbach and she offers a great program about women and their adventures and all of the wonderful things they have done. She calls the program Misbehaving Women of Iowa and this week is the second part of her program and it’s called More Misbehaving Women of Iowa. On Thursday, April 21 at 6:00 pm we have our International Film Fan Club, and we are showing an Asian film called Ramen Shop. It is a really good film that I have reviewed, it is about family and cooking.”

For more information on library programs, this month click here