The Indianola City Council failed to approve a pair of potential ballot measures this fall for a new City Hall/Library building and a Public Safety building, in a pair of tied 3-3 votes Monday evening.
The council heard from the public during discussion of the bond referendums, which was overwhelmingly in favor of a new library building, and a heated discussion between council members ensued regarding the library space, plans, future growth, and the connection of City Hall to any potential new building. The referendum for the library would have put to the public a vote to authorize $27.7 million for the council to spend on a new City Hall/Library building, with council members Heather Hulen, John Parker, and Gwen Schroeder voting in favor and Ron Dalby, Christina Beach, and Steve Richardson voting against, with Councilman Richardson stating during the meeting he thinks there are other avenues forward with the library building such as finding a new space and the changing the current plans for the combined City Hall/Library facility.
The council then did not approve a similar measure for a new Public Safety Building, which would have authorized the council to spend $34.5 million, with the votes opposite of the previous measure, with Ron Dalby, Christina Beach, and Steve Richardson voting in favor, and Heather Hulen, John Parker, and Gwen Schroeder voting against, stating the two projects are linked and they feel the city can’t move forward without both on the ballot this fall or at least a plan in place regarding the Library/City Hall.
The council also approved the sale of the property located at 502 W 2nd Ave, a tobacco violation fine, and a FY2022 budget amendment, and swore in two new officers to the Indianola Police Department.