The Marion County Board of Supervisors met in a regular session on Tuesday. The board discussed the Adkins property development in Pleasantville. The development will be done on 36.5 acres of land on the west edge of Pleasantville. The Adkins development will include five commercial properties and residential as well. Part of the development may be a travel center. Pleasantville City Administrator Joe Mrstik spoke with KNIA/KRLS News about the project. “The local developer, the state of Iowa, and the city of Pleasantville have all committed funding for the project, and the development will proceed rapidly should the county choose to make the investment.” The county has been asked to contribute 2.3 million dollars to help pay for infrastructure. The current timeframe for the project is by late June to have final financial commitments. The design would then be sent for bid in July, with a bid awarded in September. Construction could start this year with anticipated project completion in 2023. The board did not take action on this matter and it will be further discussed at their next meeting.
The board approved a resolution entering into an agreement with the Iowa Department of Transportation for a Highway 92 sideroad approach paving project. The board approved a transfer from the Local Option Sales and Services Tax Fund to the Debt Service Fund for principal and interest payment on Law Enforcement Center construction debt. The board also approved a resolution for the fiscal year 2021-22 general fund to capital fund transfer.