
Tune in to hear reports two-to-three times an hour from Indianola, Norwalk, Twin Cedars, and Melcher-Dallas on 94.3 and 95.3 KNIA, and from Pella, Knoxville, Pella Christian, PCM, and Pleasantville athletes all on 92.1 KRLS. Updates can be heard for the 1A/4A schools can be heard during the morning sessions Thursday/Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and the 2A/3A schools from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. those days. All schools will compete from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday.

Class 1A/4A (9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.):
Discus (4A Girls) – Julie Coffey, Indianola 14th 107-02; Emma Kluver, Indianola 9th 112-07; Kady Vandemark, Norwalk 7th 123-03
High Jump (4A Boys) – Gavin Legg, Indianola 8th 6-4
4×100 Hurdles (4A Girls, Prelims) – Indianola 19th 1:11.18 (does not qualify for finals), Norwalk 15th 1:10.14 (does not qualify for finals)
3200 Meters (4A Boys, Finals) – Logan Hoger, Indianola 18th 10:12.17
200 Meters (4A, Prelims) – Claire Farrell, Norwalk 2nd :25.00 (qualifies for finals)
200 Meters (4A, Prelims) – Carter Erickson, Indianola 4th :22.26 (qualifies for finals)
High Jump (4A Girls) – Lauren Blake, Indianola T6th 5ft
Long Jump (1A Girls) – Rylee Dunkin, Twin Cedars 15th 15 8.5 ft
Discus (4A Boys) – Walker Whalen, Indianola 1st 204-9 (State Record and State Champion)
4×800 Relay (4A Boys, Finals) – Norwalk 14th 8:13.36
100 Meters (4A Girls, Prelims) – Grace Gioffredi, Indianola 11th :13.04 (does not qualify for finals); Claire Farrell, Norwalk 4th :12.50 (qualifies for finals)
100 Meters (4A Boys, Prelims) – Carter Erickson, Indianola 4th :11.09 (qualifies for finals)
400 Meters (4A Girls, Finals) – Claire Farrell, Norwalk 2nd :56.06
400 Meters (4A Boys, Finals) – Jacey Hutson, Norwalk 14th :51.36
4×110 Meters (1A Boys, Prelims) – Melcher-Dallas 23rd 1:07.43 (does not qualify)
4×110 Meters (4A Boys, Prelims) – Norwalk 7th 1:01.99 (qualfies for finals)

Class 2A/3A (2 to 9:30 p.m.):
Shot Put (2A Girls) – Rylee Gallaher, PCM 17th 34-4
Discus (3A Girls) – Ciara Heffron, Knoxville 24th (no distance)
High Jump (3A Boys) – Parker Elder, Pella T6th 6-2
4×110 Meters (2A Boys, Prelims) – PCM 22nd 1:06.57
4×100 Meters (3A Boys, Prelims) – Pella 1st :59.38 (qualifies for finals)
3000 Meters (3A Girls, Finals) – Raegan Snieder, Pella 13th 11:48.11; Autumn Blink, Pella 16th 11:52.83
3200 Meters (3A Boys) – Nathan Vander Waal, Pella 15th 10:22.51; Zach Neumann, Pella 24th 11:07.83
200 Meters (2A Girls, Prelims) – Amy Kish, Pleasantville 21st :27.91
Shot Put (2A Boys) – Trevor Veenstra, Pella Christian (Flight 2) – 24th (no distance)
Long Jump (2A Girls) – Alex Blackford, Pleasantville (Flight 1) – 24th (no distance)
High Jump (3A Girls) – Jasmine Namminga, Pella (Flight 1) – 24th (no height)
Discus (3A Boys) – Brandon Fischer, Pella (Flight 2) – 4th, 152′ 3″
200 Meters (2A Boys, Prelims) – Blayton Niles, Pleasantville (Heat 1) 16th :23.40; Aiden Anderson, PCM (Heat 2) 7th :22.89 (qualifies for finals); Levi Schelhaas, Pella Christian (Heat 3) 5th :22.68
200 Meters (3A Boys, Prelims) – Quinn Gruver, Pella (Heat 2) – 21st :21.23
4×800 Relay (3A Girls) – Pella 14th 10:05.61
4×800 Relay (3A Boys) – Knoxville (Section 1) 11th 8:22.70, Pella (Section 2) 4th 8:09.76
100 Meters (2A Girls, Prelims) – Amy Kish, Pleasantville (Heat 2) – 24th, :13.86
100 Meters (3A Boys, Prelims) – Noah Allen, Pella (Heat 3) 19th, :11.69
400 Meters (2A Girls, Finals) – Anna DeBoef, Pella Christian (Section 1) 20th, 1:03.44
400 Meters (3A Girls, Finals) – Jacie Trine, Pella (Section 3) 6th, :58.62
400 Meters (2A Boys, Finals) – Levi Schelhaas, Pella Christian, 2nd :48.94; Daniel Andringa, Pella Christian (Both in Section 3) 14th, :51.73
400 Meters (3A Boys, Finals) – Karl Miller, Pella (Section 3) 2nd, :49.48
4×100 Hurdles (2A Girls, Prelims) – PCM (Heat 5) 10th, 1:10.46

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