The Indianola City Council held a study session on the paving of South K Street at their meeting Monday, a high-traffic road that is currently gravel. Interim City Manager Charlie Dissell tells KNIA News the city has looked at paving the road for a long time as use of the road has been consistently growing, but an issue on the road has been drivers going well over the posted speed limit, and the council and staff looked into ways to possibly go about slowing drivers speeds down.
“When we are designing a road, we have to design it for a certain speed and we have to look at a few things. One of the ways the city can control the speed is traffic calming measures, which was discussed. There are various things such as bump outs in intersections, allowing on-street parking, roundabouts, not saying we are doing roundabouts there, it is just an option from an engineering standpoint to calm traffic.”
To listen to the full interview, click below.