US House of Representatives candidate Democrat Christina Bohannan visited Indianola on Sunday, holding a meet and greet with voters in conjunction with statewide candidates Joe Kerner and Lisa Fleishman. Bohannan tells KNIA News what she hears most when campaigning is people are tired of the divisiveness in politics, and she wants to go back to debating the issues, rather than attacks or distractions.
“What I hear is that people want change. They are tired of the politics we have right now, they are tired of the divisive politics. What they want is someone who will put the people of Iowa first ahead of party politics, ahead of extreme division, and someone who will get back to debating like family instead of like enemies.”
Bohannan is running for Iowa’s 1st Congressional District, which now includes Warren County. Fleishman is running for Iowa Senate District 11 against Julian Garrett, while Kerner is running for Iowa House District 21 against Brooke Boden. Topics discussed at the meet and greet included education, climate change, reproductive rights, and healthcare among others.