Many parents of young kids have run into the issue of formula shortages and formula availability. Katie Damon, Dietitian with Marion County Public Health spoke with KNIA/KRLS News about alternatives to formula and if they are good for your baby
“When we look at foods that we want our babies to have human milk, we know human milk is designed for babies and will give them the nutrition that they need. If that is not available, we know that the formula will provide the needed nutrition. With the shortages, people have started to get into other options like cow or goat milk. It is important to know that if you are going to use cow or goat milk, it needs to be whole milk and not one or two percent. If you are using cow or goat milk, remember that it is not nutritionally complete and should be used sparingly.
For more with Katie, Tune in to Tuesday’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.