The Knoxville City Council met in a regular session on Monday. The council approved a resolution for a lease with the Knoxville Senior Center to use a portion of City Hall. The Council approved a resolution entering into a memorandum of understanding with the Knoxville Hospital and Clinics so that the hospital can participate in a discount drug program. The council approved storefront improvement grants for the Becker Building at 202 N. First Street, Integrative Counseling Solutions 307 E. Main Street, Precision Chiropractic 404 E. Main Street, and 210 E. Robinson Street. The council also approved facade improvement grants for Fringe on Third 110 N. Third Street and Peacetree Brewing at 101-105 Main Street. The Council approved the purchase of the VirTra 100 training simulator. The council approved a resolution for a master agreement with Automation Inc. Regarding Software Service Automation For The Knoxville Fire Department.