Glenn Lyons
Work continues on the development of the VA area. Knoxville Economic Development Director Glenn Lyons SPoke with KNIA/KRLS News about the development.
“As you know Block A which is south of Pleasant Street is for sale. We have received inquiries about it but not a strong offer which isn’t surprising it will take time to sell it. We do have a 16-acre site on the North of Pleasant Street and on that site there is a subdivision plan that will go to Planning and Zoning, and a park development plan that will go to Parks and Rec as well. Once those are approved we can move on to development where we will work on putting the construction documents together and doing the bidding over the Summer. In the Fall we should see the first part of construction on the infrastructure of the subdivision and the park with construction possibly completed by June 1 next year.”
The Planning and zoning will meet on Tuesday at 5:30 pm