The deadline for delinquent property taxes is coming up. Marion County Treasurer Michaela Bigaouette tells KNIA/KRLS News residents to have little time left to pay their taxes.
“There is just a little bit of time left to take care of your past-due taxes. Our office will stop taking payments on Friday, June 17 at 4:30 pm. Any taxes that have not been paid will go to the Tax Sale on Monday, June 20.”
Bigaouette explains what happens if your taxes go to the Tax Sale.
“At the Tax Sale, a private investor can purchase your taxes and pay them on your behalf. I do also want to make it clear that if your taxes do go to the sale it does not mean you will lose your property. What it does mean is that your interest rate will rise to two percent each month and we do not want to see that happen. We encourage residents to call our office so we can work to avoid this.”
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