
Christina Bohannan, who is running for Congress as a Democrat in Iowa’s new First Congressional District was in Knoxville Tuesday during her tour through several counties in the area. One of Bohanna’s stops was at the Knoxville VFW Post 3519 to discuss veterans’ topics.

State VFW Commander Michael Braman spoke with KNIA/KRLS News about his thoughts on the event.

“It was a good event, the candidates touched on some topics that I feel good about.  Christina Bohannan spoke about how votes should not be made on party-line agendas, especially with veterans’ issues. The votes should be a united front. I really like her remarks and I wish her the best of luck in the next election.”

Bohannan was joined at the event by John Norwood, candidate for Iowa Secretary of Agriculture, Tyler Stewart, candidate for Iowa State Senate District 19, Joe Kerner, candidate for Iowa State House District 21, and Lisa Fleishman, candidate for Iowa State Senate District 11.