After two weeks with no sprint car racing, the Knoxville Raceway welcomed all three classes with a tricky track and three winners that were able to get wins on Midseason Championship Night. Tyler Groenendyk dominated the Pro Sprints, three weeks after not being able to start the A-Main, he had no trouble finding victory lane for his 6th career Pro Sprints win. Terry McCarl while leading laps 5-20 had to hold a charging Aaron Reutzel for the win, and typically if he does not win one he will win the other race, and that is what Reutzel did, completely dominating the field for the 410 win. Reutzel told KNIA/KRLS Sports the track was great and they are hitting stride in July…
Reutzel: “The track was awesome, Knoxville is never not awesome, and that’s why I like living and racing here. We’re trying to change things, and we don’t live in the past and we have a great race team=.”
The night was capped off by a fireworks show after all of the racing was done. Next week is Farm Bureau Night with all three classes returning.