The Knoxville school board received a year-end recap from the principals of the district going over goals met and steps made this past school year. Northstar Elementary reached reading proficiency goals for this past school year with at least 62% of third graders, 70% of fourth-graders, and 72% of fifth-graders reaching reading proficiency benchmarks by spring of this year. The Knoxville Middle School is continuing to work on creating essential learning based on data received and will begin phase three of their Standards-Based Learning work this fall. The Middle School is also continuing to work on social and emotional goals as well. There are four areas of focus that include: students’ feelings of emotional safety, student-to-student relationships, adult-to-student relationships, and a focus on building a positive climate. Knoxville High School is continuing to work on its academic goals for universal instruction and providing the correct infrastructure for academic success. The HIgh School is also focusing on wellness for the students that include: Social-emotional, behavior, and mental health to help students when in need. The board discussed attendance numbers. As district-wide the numbers were below goal but those numbers have been affected by Covid. The district is implementing notices for students when they miss five and eight days as a way to reach out to families and see what can be done.