Indianola Parks and Rec and Athletico Physical Therapy are partnering to provide a free class for adults age 50 and over to gain better strength and reduce the risk of falling. Kathy Kester with Indianola Parks and Rec tells KNIA News 35% of adults over the age of 65 fall at least once during their daily activities, which significantly increases the risk of fractures in the wrist, hip and ankle, which can lead to significant loss of function. Even if they are not injured, people who experience a fall may become afraid of failing and cut down on their everyday activities, which increases their chances of falling as they lose strength by becoming less active.
The class will be Wednesdays in August, the 10th, 24th, and 31st, in addition to September 7th all at 10am at the Indianola Activity Center.
For questions, please contact Indianola Parks & Recreation at (515) 961-9420 or email parkrec@indianolaiowa.gov.