
The Knoxville Chamber of Commerce will be holding two sessions of hospitality training on Thursday, July 28 at Cobblestone Hotel and Suites at 1212 Eric Drive in Knoxville. Knoxville Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Emma Skahill spoke with KNIA/KRLS News about the sessions.

 “The hospitality training is a part of our Lunch and Learn series. We always try to do this right before nationals as this information is relevant as it focuses on customer service and how to give hospitality to customers when they are at your business. This is a great learning experience for everyone and to learn how to give customers the best experience possible when they are visiting your business.”

The two sessions will be July 28 from 10:00am-11:00am and from 5:00pm-6:00pm.The training is free for chamber members and is $10 for non-chamber members.