
The Knoxville Farmer’s Market is having a successful year; it runs every Tuesday and Saturday on the west side of the square. Tuesday hours are from 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturday is from 8 a.m. until noon.

Judy Kinney tells KNIA-KRLS the number of vendors are up this year with around 15 each Saturday. Tuesday is the day just for vegetables at the market and there are usually two to three vendors working.

Kinney tells KNIA/KRLS News about some of the promotions they are doing: “The Farmer’s Market has been promoting reading this year. In June the reading promotion included the themes of Dinosaur Days and Unicorn Day. Free books were handed out to the children. The theme Saturday, July 22 was Christmas in July and free books were again handed out.”

The Farmer’s market will continue on Saturdays through the end of October and the Tuesday portion of the event will finish up the last Tuesday of September.