
Twin Cedars has a new athletic director, someone that is very familiar with the Saber programs. Current Cross Country, Boys Track and Field Coach and Assistant Girls Basketball Coach Theresa Davis accepted the new role this spring and immediately watched the Softball Squad make a magical run to a state championship. Davis says the Saber teams have had a great run of girls teams for the past few seasons, and sees the boys programs having the same renaissance in the next couple of years.

Davis: “The freshman class has a lot of boys and they’re going to bring some pretty good athleticism into our programa so I’m really looking forward to seeing that and I did coach the high school boys track this past year and we had very few, so I hope we can turn that around so I’m looking forward to growing that program .”

Davis will still be the head Cross Country and Boys Track Coach plus the Assistant Girls Basketball Coach plus remain a teacher in the district.

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