
Judi Van Hulzen with Marion County Public Health tells KNIA/KRLS News what is required for students attending school this Fall in regards to School Immunizations and Dental Screenings.

In kindergaten, students are required to have a Dental Screening along with immunizations for TDAP (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis Vaccine), MMR (Measels, Mumps, Rubella) and Varicella.

Third grade Students are required to have a Vision Screening. Seventh Grade students (ages 10 to 12) need TDAP, MCV (meningoccal vaccine) and HPV (Human Papillomavirus) vaccine, also known as the Cancer Vaccine.

Ninth grade students need a dental screening.

Those students in 12th grade and 16 years or older, need to get a meningitis vaccine. 

The flu shot isn’t required but is highly recommended for all ages.

These need to be completed before school starts.