
Results continue to come in from area residents participating in the 2022 Iowa State Fair.

Pella High School Student Sarabeth Decious won grand champion in the 4-H doe breeding show as well as Reserve Champion Market wether. Class of ’22 Graduate Reece Thoreson won with the champion angus and 3rd overall in his final 4-H show for breeding heifer.

Class of ’22 Pella Graduate Logan Schroeder exhibited the Champion Polled Hereford Heifer in the 4-H show as well as Champion Spring Yearling in the Iowa State Fair Open Hereford Show, and younger sister and Pella High Junior Macy Schroeder won showmanship in the 4-H show.

***More results are expected to come in from the Iowa State Fair from local residents. Please note that they do not come all at once, and postings are not meant to be exhaustive of all participants, but what is available as it is sent in.