
A Pella Christian family living in Prairie City is thankful for the ongoing support after a devastating injury impacted one of their own. The Natelborgs are appreciative of the many ways both communities have supported Ryan, a junior at Pella Christian Grade School, who was a state-qualifying cross country and track athlete last year. Ryan severely injured his spine in a swimming accident in July, and since then, several efforts have been underway to help in his long road to recovery. Hear more about his story with this feature and from Ryan himself during the KNIA/KRLS Radio Sports Page on Sept. 7th and 8th. A GoFundMe is available here, and PCM/Pella Christian football game next Friday will have opportunities to support the Natelborgs. Both teams are asking everyone from both fanbases to bring $1 (or more) or a gift card. There will be volunteers at the gate to collect donations. Handwritten notes are also encouraged as Ryan appreciates the messages.