The Pella FFA is bringing back an annual tradition this month. The annual tractor ride will be held on Saturday, September 17th, with up to 50 tractor drivers and 20 hay rack riders participating. All proceeds benefit the Gary Van Kooten Memorial Tractor Restoration Project. Registration begins on the 17th at 9 a.m., with the ride from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., starting at the Career Academy of Pella. Several stops are scheduled, including the Sully Locker, LJ Maasdam’s Wagon Wheel Sculpture, Zip’N in Lynnville, Peoria Christian School, and back to Pella. Registration costs $40 for the first 50 tractors, with half price for current and incoming FFA members — and $15 to ride a hay rack, with children 7 and under riding for free. Those with questions should contact Luke Van Essen at lukevane23@pellaschools.org or Jacob Bowers at 319-361-8154.