

All emergency personnel have cleared the scene, and the line is shut off but not repaired as of yet. If businesses wish to reopen, they need to contact the Knoxville Fire Department or Alliant Energy to determine if the office or building is safe for occupancy. There is no timeframe yet in place for gas to be turned back on.


Road construction crews working near Wells Fargo on the square in Knoxville have hit a gas line, leading to the surrounding buildings being evacuated by emergency services. Emily Feagins with Marion County Emergency Management tells KNIA News a three-inch gas main was hit, and there is an active leak with no timetable as of now there is no timeframe as to when it will be back open. Feagins also said the northwest side of the square is currently evactuated.

Gas is currently shut off from 5th to Roche St mainly on the south side of the street.

Knoxville Fire and Rescue, the Knoxville Police Department, Marion County Emergency Management, and Alliant Energy are all on scene.

Stay tuned to 95.3 KNIA and KNIAKRLS.com for more details as they become available.