
The Indianola High School spring musical will be The Addams Family, after a series of viral videos showed the selection process. Director Myles Finn tells KNIA News one of the reasons he picked the Addams Family was the fantastic message it sends.

“You look at the Addams Family and it looks like this really scary family, and they’ve got vampires and they are terrible! But actually, it’s a family. They have their own quirks, but they all love each other very dearly. And I think that is one of the main messages, is yeah they may be different than you but they still love the same way. In a time that is so tumultuous that we have right now, I think it’s so important that we understand that we are all people, we all wake up in the morning, put our pants on, and go about our day. And I think that is an important concept for us to understand going forward and that is the mindset we have going forward with the musical.”

To listen to the full interview, click below