
The Indianola City Council received a report on a traffic study conducted regarding the corner of E Iowa Ave and N 9th St at their meeting Tuesday, which determined a 4-way stop sign did not meet the standards required to put the stop in place. City Manager Ben Reeves tells KNIA News the study determined that following federal standards, the stop sign could potentially cause more harm than safety.

“We found that it does not warrant a stop sign on any of the warranting criteria we were evaluating. That doesn’t necessarily mean council couldn’t authorize a stop sign in that area. But it can sometimes cause more hazard than there would be if they didn’t have one. People tend to roll through those types of stop signs, or tend to try and catch up in their speed when they do have to stop, and it creates more hazard than if it was never there in the first place. That’s why we tend to stick to the federal standards and ensuring when we do place stop signs they are warranted and help with the traffic flow in general.”

For more information, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.