Coming into the 2022-23 school year, the free lunch program from the United States Department of Agriculture was ended after being put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic. Congresswoman Cindy Axne tells KNIA News she feels that the program was a success, and will relieve a huge burden on families and schools if congress can put it back in place, which she supports.
“Let’s make sure that people have food. I really don’t think that this subject, feeding our children in this country, should even be something that gets pushed back upon. If we can’t see it in ourselves to make sure kids don’t go hungry, we really need to be taking a look. I hope we see support for this, and that leadership makes it a priority. Not only will it feed these children, they’ll have a better chance of learning, but doing this makes it easier on our schools and eliminates a lot of red tape and bureaucracy that they have to go through.”
Congresswoman Axne was featured on In Depth with Dr. Bob Leonard, find a link to the interview with this story on KNIAKRLS.com.