Knoxville Homecoming is set for September 30. Marion County Treasurer Michaela Bigaouette tells KNIA/KLRS News parking will be limited around the courthouse that day with the parade going through downtown. She says to avoid frustration in finding a place to park it’s advised to pay taxes early. Access to the courthouse will be limited after 2 p.m. September 30th.
Property taxes are due September 30th. The Marion County Treasurer’s Office has several payment options available.
- In Office – They accept cash, check or debit/credit card for a fee. You do not need an appointment to pay property taxes.
- 24/7 Dropbox – Located at the south entrance of the courthouse.
- Mail -MUST be postmarked by September to avoid 1.5% penalty. It’s important to pay early. Mailing at the end of the month does not guarantee a timely postmark.
- Phone – Credit card only for an additional fee of 2.25%
- Online – Click the link at www.marioncountyiowa.gov.
If you have questions, call the Treasurer’s Office at 641-828-2202 or email at tax@marioncountyiowa.gov.