The Pride of Indianola Marching Band competition season is heating up, including a pair of performances this weekend with the Log Cabin Days Parade and the North Central Iowa Marching Invitational.
Band Director Mike Richardson tells KNIA News they have done movie-themed shows over the last several years, and wanted to make a change for this year.
“We’ve got four movements, and they are kind of a medley mixed together. It’s going to be 10 different tunes, and hopefully tunes the crowd will like and appreciate. You’ll just have to come out and see it, a lot of it is still in the works, but it’s a lot of fun and the kids have taken to it really well.”
Further competitions for the band include marching in the homecoming parade on September 29th, Valleyfest and the home Sounds of the Stadium event on October 8th, and the State Marching Band Contest and the Waukee Warrior Marching Invitations on October 15th.