From the opening drive of the game, the PCM football team dominated Chariton en route to a 42-7 victory heard live on the KRLS3 stream at

The Mustangs opened the game with a 40-yard run from Adrian Robbins that set up an eventual 19-yard touchdown on a screen pass from Gavin Van Gorp to Gabe Hobbs. After a fumble by the Chargers on their first snap of the game, PCM immediately took advantage with a 2-yard touchdown run by Augie Stock with 8:49 left in the first quarter. From there, PCM blocked three punts to set a pair of Stock rushing touchdowns from 10 and 13 yards out midway through the first quarter. 

PCM’s rapid scoring pace slowed down from that point, as the next score came with 4:07 left in the second quarter with Robbins finding the endzone from five yards out. With the clock running continuously from that point on, it wasn’t until the 6:53 mark in the fourth quarter that the next score occurred. Van Gorp connected with Gavin Fenton for a toe-tapping touchdown pass from 16 yards out to finish off the scoring for the Mustangs. Chariton avoided the shutout with a garbage time touchdown run with two and half minutes left in the game, but PCM would run out the clock to take the game 42-7.

With their win and Roland-Story’s loss Friday night, the Mustangs tied the Norseman for second place in Class 2A District 7 with a 3-1 record. PCM and Roland-Story will clash this Friday at PCM for that second spot in the standings, and a potential home matchup when the playoffs begin October 21st.
