The Knoxville City Council met in regular session last night.
On the agenda was a recap of the Competine Trail Eagle Scout Project and recognizing the Finnegan boys, Joe and Jensen on their accomplishments.
The board approved the preliminary plans, specifications and contract estimates for the facade improvements at 203 East Main.
A first consideration for an ordinance amending ordinances of the city of Knoxville by adding a provision defining livestock was discussed. The board approved the definition of livestock to update the city code,
There was a discussion on amending provisions on vacant building permits and inspections. The first consideration of this provision was approved.
Discussion also took place on use of golf carts and utility vehicles on city streets. A lengthy discussion took place and the first consideration was approved.
Fire Chief Cal Wyman called Fire Prevention Week a success. In addition to the Open House at the Fire Department, firefighters also visited West Elementary students.