Sitting Up High is a program that is geared towards students in kindergarten and pre-school. It is a Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau Program that teaches young children to stay in their seats while traveling in a vehicle and stay buckled up.
Kyle Keller, Knoxville School Resource Officer, is currently presenting Sitting Up High Programs for Knoxville Kindergarten students through October 20th.
Officer Keller tells KNIA/KRLS News about the program, “Each year I sit with the kindergarteners. We set up a meeting with each group of kindergarten classes and we do a program called Sitting Up High. It’s a program that runs through the Governor Traffic Safety Bureau of Iowa. It teaches safety in a car for kids to stay in their booster seats and car seats, remain seated with their seat belt on, or while they are in their harness.”
The children were given a coloring book, a sticker and a pencil at the end of the program.