
Central College welcomed six outstanding Pella area students from fourth to eighth grades for Kid Captain Day at the Dutch home football game this past Saturday.

Kid Captains were nominated by their peers using a rubric of characteristics such as having a positive attitude, making positive contributions, considering the needs and wants of others, showing respect and accepting and tolerating the views and beliefs of others – all of which makes them a great teammate.

“Partnering with Central was a tremendous experience to highlight students who represent respect, responsibility, leadership, teamwork, caring and loyalty in their classrooms,” says Josh Manning, Pella Middle School principal and a 2003 Central graduate.

“At the Pella Middle School, we had over 350 total votes. Those names were funneled down to the top five in each grade,” Manning says. “Our student council and student ambassadors voted on their top two in each class. Then our teacher leadership group selected the final two. We are excited about the opportunity to watch this unfold, and we have plans to highlight the finalists as well as our two Kid Captains throughout the rest of the year using our Leader in Me framework.”

“A huge thank you to Central for providing this opportunity to celebrate who students are and how they reflect the image of God,” says Ben Dirksen, Pella Christian Grade School principal. “Often, we only celebrate performance and achievement, and this was a delightful way to engage our students and staff in looking for and recognizing character. Our students loved being a part of the day at Central.”

Kid Captains for 2022 are:

From Jefferson Intermediate School: Ava Roe, daughter of Shayne and Mandy Roe, and Henry Van Roekel, son of Mark and Angie Vander Leest Van Roekel, a 2005 Central alumna.

From Pella Christian Grade School: Brandon Guiter, son of Michelle Guiter, and Ellery Wiersma, daughter of Nolan and Katie Wiersma.

From Pella Middle School: Elsie Brenneman, daughter of Neal and Kara Brenneman, and AJ Scheckel, son of Dan and Megan Scheckel.

“These students model the ideals that Central values and we are proud to recognize them for being respectful, caring and inspirational leaders in their classrooms,” says Eric Van Kley, director of athletics and head men’s wrestling coach. “I also want to give a special thank you to the Pella Community and Pella Christian Schools for making this day possible and to the PACE Alliance for their generous support of our Kid Captains.”

Students enjoyed a free meal at the college’s Central Market and received gifts from Central as well as the PACE Alliance. Van Kley escorted the students onto the football field with the Central football team captains for the official coin toss. Saturday’s game also celebrated the PACE Alliance Appreciation Day.