
For every $1 spent on hazard mitigation, $6 in post-storm cleanup and rebuilding is saved, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Institute of National Building Scientists. Proactive hazard mitigation planning allows a community to take actions to reduce or eliminate threats from natural and man-made disasters. To help guide future hazard mitigation projects, the Marion County Emergency Management Agency is undertaking an effort to update its current Hazard Mitigation Plan.

Once a community, county, or other eligible jurisdiction is part of an approved plan, they become eligible for up to a 75% cost share for a variety of projects listed in the plan. Hazard Mitigation Plans are required to be updated on a five-year cycle and Marion County’s HMP expired in October 2021.

The planning effort is being guided by a Planning Team consisting of representatives from the Marion County Emergency Management Commission, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and the Iowa Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.

For more information contact Jeff Anderson, Marion County Emergency Management Director at (641) 828-2256 or