The Knoxville Rural Fire Department and Knoxville Fire Department were dispatched to a person trapped in a grain bin at 10:31 a.m. in the 1200 block of 132nd Place.
Crews used a grain vac on hand to help remove grain from the bin to assist in getting the victim out. After approximately 2.5 hours the victim was removed. The victim was conscious and talking when rescued. Due to the type of event and potential injuries the victim was flown to a Des Moines area hospital for evaluation.
When rescue crews arrived the male victim was trapped inside a grain bin buried up to his waist.
Crews started to use grain rescue tubes to create a survivable space for the victim and rope systems to secure him. Crews then used special designed augers to move grain away from the victim. Due to the weight and pressure the grain was exerting on the grain tubes crews used saws to cut holes in the bin to release the stored grain.
The rescue crews were on the scene about three hours.
The Knoxville Rural Fire Department and Knoxville Fire Department were assisted on scene by the Marion County Sheriff’s Office, Marion County EMA, Pleasantville Fire Department, Smith Fertilizer and Grain Company, several farmers that lived close by also provided equipment. Pella EMS and Indiana Township Fire and EMS assisted by covering calls while crews were tied up on scene.