It’s another record breaking year for the number of students from Pella High School who will be represented at the annual Iowa High School Music Association All-State Music Festival. On top of the 11 band students selected, nine vocal students were also selected to participate in the elite group, including:
Grace Brown, Soprano
Eli Burrows, Bass
Braelyn Ensor, Alto
Jorden Held, Tenor
Olivia Hood, Alto
Bodie Peters, Tenor (2021 selection)
Jacob Rietveld, Tenor (2021 selection)
Treyton Turnbull, Bass
Ellie Wogen, Soprano
Alternates – Aleigha Ausman, Sam Miller
Hear more from the All-State Music Students of Pella High School on today’s Let’s Talk Pella. The 2022 All-State Music Festival will be held on November 17-19 at Iowa State University