The Knoxville City Council met Monday. On the agenda was a public hearing to approve plans, specifications, form of contract and estimate of cost for the VA District – Phase 1 Improvements Project.
The council discussed approving a resolution on contract, bonds, and certificate of insurance for the VA District – Phase 1 Improvements Project. No action was taken. Also on the agenda was a discussion regarding Main Street Improvement Project concept. It was approved by the council.
They also discussed deer population management zones within the city limits and city inspections. Passing it as well.
The council considered three proposals regarding the Dixie Gebhardt House, and voted in favor of the Knoxville Library Board’s unanimous recommendation that the house be demolished and a park established in her name that could better serve the programming needs of the library, and be available for other public uses.
Other agenda items included approving authorized staff to apply for an Iowa Nuisance and Abandoned Building Remediation Loan on behalf of Marion County. Discussion was held on partial payment of the municipal grant associated with IEDA downtown housing project. The grant of 60 percent was approved by council.
Discussion and approval took place on the Dowtown Housing Project.
The council had a second consideration and adopted an ordinance amending the code of ordinances of the city of Knoxville by amending provisions pertaining to Vacant Building Permits and Inspections. It was approved by council.
The council discussed the city ordinances regarding the use of golf carts and utility trail vehicles on city streets. The second consideration was approved to limit the height of children allowed to ride in those vehicles for anyone under 42” tall.
A hearing to discuss board member absences also took place with no action taken.