Living Windows, Knoxville’s annual kick-off to the holiday season will be held on Thursday, November 17, from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m. in downtown Knoxville. The town square, including many storefront windows, will be decorated for the theme of “Christmas Around the World.”.
Knoxville Chamber of Commerce Director Emma Klocke tells KNIA/KRLS News, “This year’s theme for Living Windows is Christmas Around the World. So, I believe a lot of the different downtown businesses will have a different theme as far as a country they are representing at their business.”
The festivities will kick off with the annual tree lighting ceremony on the Marion County Courthouse lawn at 5:30 p.m.
This year there will be items collected for our local military members serving overseas this holiday season.
There will be four collection locations to drop off items at this year’s Living Windows event: Marion County Bank, Larmen’s Outdoor, Knox Nutrition, and Rejuvenate Rx. A full list of the items requested can be found on the Living Windows – Knoxville, Iowa Facebook page.
Living Windows is presented by the Knoxville Area Merchants and THRIVE Knoxville, a non-profit organization that serves as an incubator, promotor, and champion of local events and strategic action undertaken to intentionally improve the image, attitudes, and perceptions of Knoxville on behalf of current and prospective residents, businesses, organizations, and visitors.